Photogravures (2015)
From the series Crossing the Line
Printed on Hahnemuehle Museum Etching Paper
Plate size: 12” X 16 ¾”
Paper size: 22” X 30”
Limited Editions
The only advantage of playing with fire is that one never gets even singed. It is the people who don’t know how to play with it who get burned up.
— Oscar Wilde
This new series of Photogravure prints were made during Brose artist's residency at the Institute for Electronic Art at Alfred University. The images are sourced from 16mm film frames for his yet to be completed film titled Crossing the Line, which explores the erotic politics of sailor hazing rituals. The film includes original “scenes” in his studio, on location at various sites in Ireland as well as “found footage” from hazing rituals on a US battleship and vintage gay erotica.
“The opportunity that the residency afforded me at this time is tremendous. For the past six years, I have not been allowed to work with any of these materials due to the unfortunate circumstance of being under the control of the US Department of Homeland Security and Federal Pre-trial Probation rules. All homo-erotic materials from my studio and home had to be placed in storage with the threat that if I created anything with an erotic element I would be sent to prison. Now that that threat has been removed I am finally free to explore my artistic practice once again.”
— Lawrence Brose
This series was created during his residency at the Institute for Electronic Art at Alfred University. The Artist-in-Residence program at the IEA is supported by New York State Council on the Arts and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Pricing upon inquiry.